Ned Colt/IRC
Amman, Jordan
If grins can gauge popularity, the WakaWaka is clearly appreciated by displaced Syrians the IRC is supporting in the northern part of the country. In a daylong visit last year, I saw at least one or two in front of most tents, charging in the bright sun. When I tried to ask about them in my non-existent Arabic, the smiles and gestures in response were not a retort to my language shortcomings, but rather the approval of the WakaWaka.
If grins can gauge popularity, the WakaWaka is clearly appreciated by displaced Syrians the IRC is supporting in the northern part of the country. In a daylong visit last year, I saw at least one or two in front of most tents, charging in the bright sun. When I tried to ask about them in my non-existent Arabic, the smiles and gestures in response were not a retort to my language shortcomings, but rather the approval of the WakaWaka.